Thursday, November 25, 2010

Baltibus Press Release 2010 - 25/1/2010

Press Release      2010

BaltiBus – Co. Monaghan Rural Transport are part of ambitious new Strategy
BaltiBus is part of a national network of rural transport groups which launches an ambitious new Strategy to set out a clear plan towards achieving a more sustainable model of transport in rural areas.  BaltiBus is a member of the Rural Transport Network representing 36 rural transport groups around the country, all of whom deliver an innovative and community led programme called the Rural Transport Programme and funded by the Department of Transport. The network has just published a Strategy which illustrates the value of the Rural Transport Programme as a mechanism for developing and delivering on transport solutions in rural areas, moving far beyond the simple definition of transport as that of movement of people. More accurately, this Programme is described as equating the concept of transport with wellbeing; with accessibility (both geographical and physical) and mobility. It provides a gateway to accessing essential services including health, retail, banking, pension collection, as well as acting as a platform for social interaction, providing options to people and combating isolation.
The Strategy which will be launched on 22nd November 2010 by Mary O Rourke T.D. presents a prime opportunity to Government to maximise the return on investment which goes into the Rural Transport Programme, as well as other mainstream budgets including health, through greater integration and synergy with other providers of transport in rural areas.  For example, the Strategy points to a significant portion of health spend around the country directed at providing non-emergency ambulant services for those in need of transport to medical treatments.  Route inefficiencies, dead mileage, the cost of missed appointments, inefficient use of medical professionals, are all features of uncoordinated transport systems that currently operate in rural areas. 
The Rural Transport Network highlights a number of pilot integrated transport models underway around the country which are already yielding significant results in terms of financial savings (direct and preventative) as well as positive social impacts. Baltibus commenced work on an Integrated Strategy and pilot in April 2009. Phase 1 of the pilot commenced on July 1st 2010. Some of these models are presented in the Strategy e.g. Clare Accessible Transport and Seirbhis Iompair Tuaithe Teoranta in County Donegal. 
With this Strategy BaltiBus is calling for the following;
·         The Rural Transport Programme to be given a considered role in the newly enacted Public Transport Regulation, and to facilitate access to the National Transport Authority
·         Direct involvement in the drawing up of a new Programme as well as input into the Value for Money Review of the RTP
·         Establishment of a national implementation committee to oversee and drive integrated transport models such as presented in the Strategy
·         Development of local transport forums to mirror developments at national level
·         Ongoing evaluation of successful models of integrated transport systems and dissemination of the learning and process
·         To safeguard the €90 million committed to the RTP in the National Development Plan 2007-13 as a platform to lever in funds from other agencies such as HSE

In the current recessionary climate characterised by budgetary cutbacks across various sectors of Irish society, this Strategy makes perfect socio-economic sense.  It provides a tangible toolkit to Government, in particular the Department of Transport, to set in train a sustainable and workable model of integrated transport in the rural context, while promoting economies of scale.  It ticks all the boxes for a country keeping a more than watchful eye on Exchequer spend, and delivers on value for money as well.  What’s not to like?

For further information please contact:
BaltiBus – Co. Monaghan Rural Transport
Latton Resource Centre, Latton P.O. Castleblayeny, Co. Monaghan
Contact : RTP Manager Padraic Smyth (042) 9742916 (087) 2274666
Website:                Email:

Note to Editors:
The Rural Transport Programme (RTP) is funded under the National Development Plan 2007-2013.  The NDP has committed to providing €90 million to the Programme during this timeframe.  The RTP was set up initially as a pilot initiative in 2003 called the Rural Transport Initiative and was mainstreamed in 2006 to become the Rural Transport Programme.   

The aim of the Programme is to provide a quality nationwide community based public transport system in rural Ireland which responds to local needs.

RTP key objectives are to:
·         provide, enhance and sustain a nationwide community based public transport system in rural areas.
·         maximise existing transport assets and to utilise new technology where necessary in the co-ordination and development of transport.
·         act as a catalyst in providing models of partnership at all levels where key sectors actively engage in transport provision.
·         ensure equality of access for all, including older people as well as people with mobility, sensory and cognitive impairments.
·         maintain, promote and develop models of good practice.
·         continue to influence rural public transport policy

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