Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bawn & Latton News - 26th October 2010

Congratulations to Damien Lynch & Joanne Quigley who were married last weekend!!

Fingers & Toes Parents - This is the last week to bring in non- perishible  items for the Christmas Hamer - Please Support!!

Every Tuesday - Dance Rehearsals 
Rehearsals for Christmas Drama on Friday 3rd December at 3.30pm with Armagh Rhymers.

Christmas Concert - on Sunday 5th December at 7pm with Surprise Visitor!!!

Monday Nights - Set Dancing at 9pm

Wednesday Night - Ceili Dancing

Thursday Club - Thursday 4th November at 8pm
Remember to ring for transport 9742916

Chiropodist - Wednesday 3rd November at 6pm

Halloween - We urge everyone to take care this Halloween and for young Folk to have fun but not to endanger life or property 

The Bawn Handball Club News 

The Club has been awarder  "Ulster Handball Club of the Year"  and will be up for  "All Ireland Club of the Year"  at the Handball Awards Night in Croke Park on 27th November. 
This is a FANTASTIC achievement for our Club and the whole Bawn Community!!

Table Quiz Friday 29th October in Mc Philips Bar, Shercock. Please Support!!

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