Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bawn & Latton News 23rd November 2011

Congratulation to Geraldine & Stephen McCabe on the birth of baby daughter Orla.

Congratulations to Josephine Smith (Fairtha) & Leonard Black who were married last Saturday in St. Patricks Bawn

Senior Citizens Party- This Sunday at 3p.m. in Latton GFC. Please contact Carmel at 042-9669663or Bernie at 086-714265 to confirm your attendance or regrets. This is very important, so as to allow the catering needs to be sufficient.
Santa: Sunday 11th December at 4p.m. in Resource Centre followed by our Christmas Concert at 6.30 p.m. in Latton GFC Centre.
Chiropodist- Wednesday 7th December at 6p.m. in Resource Centre.
Fingers & Toes Christmas Draw will take place on Sunday 11th December after Concert. Great Prizes, please support and all parents remember return your cards by Wednesday 7th December.
Senior Citizens Party: This Sunday Helpers required both male & female.
Bawn Handball Club are organising a “Scrap Metal Saturday”, on Saturday 3rd December 2011. Anyone with unwanted metal please contact Ultan Morris at 086-261026. More details next week.
National Wastage Week: - This week is national wastage, so we all must see if we can reduce our waste and our carbon footprint.
Scoil Mhuire Parents Association- Annual Christmas Fair on Sunday 4th December, commencing at 2p.m. All the Christmas Sparkle, all Christmas Delights under one roof, do come along and enjoy the crack.

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