Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Latton & Bawn News - 15th February 2011

Congratulations to Tracey and Barry Dowd on the birth of a baby girl, Ciara.

The late Margo Bevan. Last week the death occured of Margo who was in her 91st yrear and had been active up until recently. Margo was an unique character, would recall stories fo life abroad, a keen gardener, and a regualr visitor to the sick and poor. Margo was predeceased by her husband  and is survived by her two sons, Richard and Michael, Daughters in law, granchildren and a large circle of friends. Margo had a huge funeral between family, neighbors, film and notable persons from all around the country present. Margo will be greatly missed by family and freinds.

Bawn Housing Association
Wish to thank Monaghan Co. Council and Cllr. Padraig Mc Nally for securing a grant to improve visibility at Bawn Cross, that is where Chapel Road meets the Ballybay, Shercock Road.

Rocks of Bawn DVD and Video  - copies still availble, Please ring Kevin 087 2883574
or Eamon at 087 1236806

Fundraiser for Downs Syndrome - Cavan / Monaghan 
Paul Gllagher, employee of Latton Socila Services who is in woek placement programme is going to run 26 miles in milan in April. Collection box to reseource centre and also sponsorship cards. Anyone throughout either counties welcome to join and this a super fundraiser. 

Resource Centre Activities
First Thursday of each month - THursday Club at 8pm
First Wednesday of each month - Chiropodist at 6pm
Every Monday Night - Sret Dancing at 8pm
Every Wednesday - Ceili Dancing T 9pm

Afterschool Activities
Monday Afternoon 3.30 - 5pm Football and Soccer Skills
Tuesday and Wednesday 4.30 - 5.00 - Circut Training 
Thursday  - 3.30 Martial Arts

Latton Social Services and Development Ltd, AGM
AGM was held last Thursday Night. Any member / Director not present if they wish to reamin, should pay their annual contribution of €7.00. Financial reporets presented and Auditor complimented the group on good governance and management.

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