Monday, May 9, 2011

Bawn & Laton News 9th May 2011

Congratulations to Orla & PJ Smyth on the birth of a baby boy. Orla works in the Office in the Resource Centre

The late Raymond Gilliand, Ullinagh,Loughmourne
sympathy is expressed to his wife, two sons and daughter Caroline on the very sudden death of Raymond. A farmer and good neighbour, Raymond will be solely missed by his family, grandchildren and a wide circle of friends. May he rest in peace.

The late Marcella Gilliand
The entire community was in severe shock at the tragic loss of a young mother. May God comfort and assist her husband, sons and baby daughter in this time of sadness and may the prayers of the whole community be answered, to understand and accept. May she rest in peace.

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