Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bawn & Latton News - 16th May 2011

Congratulations to Fiona Flood and Rob Rutledge on their recent marriage. 

Congratulations to Dymphna Hamilton, Mullinault who celebrated her 70th birthday last weekend with a function in O’ Raghailly Centre

Bawn Handball Club
Wish to publicly acknowledge funding from Monaghan Community Network towards the purchase of a boiler and kitchen utensils. These will be stored in Bawn Handball Alley and are for community use. 

Sympathy to Theresa Duffy, Cortagart on the sudden death of her first cousin, Ann Murray and to Emma, Terrina, Tarrin and Eamn Mc Gowan on the death of Emma’s mother, Mrs Counihan. May they rest in peace.

Latton Social Services and Development Ltd
Commitee meeting on Tuesday 31st May, directors at 9pm and general committee 9.30pm. All members are urged to attend

Down Syndrome Collection
All cards and collection boxs to be returned by Friday (tomorrow) 20th May

Congratulations to all 6th Class Boys and Girls who made their confirmation last week, may the holy spirit be their guiding influence

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