Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bawn & Latton News 18th October 2011

Congratulations to Mary Lennon and Tony Burns who were married last Friday.

Resource Centre News
Monday night 9-11pm-Step Dancing
Wednesday Night 9pm – 11pm-Ceili Dancing

Parking News
Parents who deliver children to Resource Centre, we aim to keep four parking spaces either side of the gate. Parents delivering to School are urged to drop off and pick up in the school car park as the junction outside the School is now very dangerous. Latton Social Services & Development Ltd have conveyed this concern through to County Council and local authorities.

Thursday Club  next meeting on 3rd November at 8pm
Chiropodist 2nd November at 6pm
Martial Art Classes will begin on Friday 4th November for Children in the resource centre.
Afterschool Children have music, drama and Archery during the week.

Fingers & Toes Parents Association
Wish to thank all who contributed to last Saturday Nights “Race Night”. A very enjoyable night was had by all and once again “thank you” to the sponsors, parents, local business and to the Parents Association who organised the event.

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